Freedom Center Church is more than just a church. It’s a community of believers who have a passion for Jesus Christ. We are a family who seek to love the broken, lead the people, and light the world with everlasting freedom.
Our purpose is to carry out the Great Commission according to Matthew 28:16-20. God has called His people to come together to worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). He has also called the church for the purpose of discipline and assembly (2 Timothy 3:16) and to bring freedom to the oppressed and see them walk a victorious Christian life (Luke 4:18).

Pastors Jorge & Sylvia Vargas, along with their son Obed, are Rio Grande Valley natives who have close ties in the community. They are licensed and ordained through Harvest International Ministries and are in covering relationship with Pastor Tracy Harris, pastor of Family Word Church in Texarkana, Arkansas and president of Harvest International Ministries. They have served in various aspects of ministry for over 20 years and have been the senior pastors of Freedom Center Church since its inception in 2007.
Pastor Jorge firmly believes in the power of unity and belongs to several RGV pastoral organizations. Pastor Sylvia has served in the public school system for more than two decades.
Their vision is to impact communities and nations, and see God’s people truly live the life of freedom God intended for us all.

Associate Pastor / Elder

Associate Pastor / Children’s Church

Youth Pastor / Elder

Youth Pastor

Technical & Creative Arts

Worship Leader

Head Usher

Youth Worship Leader

Deaconess / Missions



The Bible. To be the inspired and infallible authoritative Word of God.
There is one God eternally manifested in the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit.
In the full authoritative commission of Christ to set captives free.
The gospel includes holiness of heart and life, healing of the body, freedom from bondage, and a definite personal experience with the Holy Spirit whereby the gifts of the Spirit become active in the life of the believer.
In the bodily resurrection of believers at the end time; and the judgement of all mankind, the just unto eternal life and the unjust unto eternal separation from God.
In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His vicarious and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and His personal return in power and glory upon earth.
Regeneration and conversion through faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful humanity.